Raising children is often not easy. You are as numerous as your children. There are decisions to be made in the short term. In any case, a lot is planned. Many children today are overweight. A healthy lifestyle can help you maintain your weight. Likewise, it can predict medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure.
It is important to establish a healthy routine. This way, you can make smart decisions for your family. Children practice their families, so it is important to set the appropriate standards. Here are some tips for keeping your children healthy.
Only one bodybuilder out of 3 works regularly. Less than half of all our sports, entertainment and physical education classes offer physical activity to see how the body moves. Children and toddlers spend more than 7 hours a day using televisions, computers, phones and other electronic devices for entertainment. About 1 in 3 children in the United States are obese or overweight. Overweight children have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese adults.
Tips to keep your Children healthy
By following these guidelines to keep children healthy, caregivers can play an important role in helping their children become physically fit.
Here are 11 ways to get started.
1. Talk to your child's specialist. Your child's therapist can help you understand why physical activity is important. Your child's specialist can recommend the best game or work for your brand.
2. Find fun games. Let your child find a sport he enjoys. The more he likes the action, the more he will continue. The whole family is included. It's a great way to get to know each other.
3. Choose the appropriate order. For example, students aged 7 to 8 who do not plan reinforcing or 3 miles and swimming are eligible for qualifying and healthy.
4. Plan ahead. Make sure your child has a good time and a good place to exercise.
5. Protect the situation. Guarantee your child's assets and select your site to play or move. Can guarantee the clothes and feelings of the child.
6. Put the anti-dynamic toys. Especially the need to easily enter packets, rebounds and other different toys. 7. Be a good role model. Children who regularly hold their families responsible for play and physical activity will make a difference for themselves.
8. Play with the children. Let him participate in other activities.
9. Turn off the TV. Breaking point Watch TV and use a PC. The American Foundation of Pediatrics offers comprehensive screening sessions 1-2 hours per day, including TV, recordings, and PC and computer games. Use your available time for physical activity.
10. Make time to play. Some young people have homework, music lessons, and other work plans that they don't have time to put together.
Image search results for kids doing homework
11. Don't try too hard. When your child is ready to start, let them hear it. Exercise and physical activity should not hurt. Your child may need to backtrack or try something weak when this happens. Likewise, it is important not to work too much in one action. If your child is losing less weight than usual and is happy, or if a practice starts interfering with school or other sports, see a Tyke expert.