How to be a good role model


How to be a good role model

A good example helps others to help themselves.

Everyone is an individual model. Every day someone looks at your life and evaluates the decisions and decisions you make. The type of decisions you make and the way you choose to live your life determine whether you are a good role model or not. If you follow a few simple rules, you will divert the attention of people who see you well.

always do as you say

A person who always follows his words is a good example for others. Don't make promises, say or say, that you won't do. The wisest man I know told me to express my words. People want you to obey when you say you're going to do something. Make sure you do what you say, even if it's a tough job to do.

complete your departure

The other part of regular speech is getting what you started and getting it done on time. When you promise to do something, always do it. If you or your child decide to play on a sports team, participate in all activities and competitions. Complete all aspects of the job on time and make the most of your abilities. Be the kind of person you can call when someone needs to do something important.

Be someone you can count on.

Reliability is an important characteristic of a good example. Faith means a lot. It means someone can trust you and trust you. When someone hides something from you, it means you won't tell anyone. Over time, you can build faith by obeying what you say and not betraying people.

tell the truth

Honesty and truth will help build trust, but it goes beyond words. Honesty always means telling the truth, even when it hurts. People often apologize for lying, but lying leads to liars and liars. People will listen to you and trust you if you are always right. They understand that they can come to you for good, honest information when you are in a difficult situation. Being honest about everything you do is a great way to set a good example. choose the right one

A good role model makes a good choice that others can follow. Good decisions a person can make include simple things like fitness and exercise. Avoiding drugs or alcohol is also a good option. Young people and teenagers can set a good example by not failing and getting good grades. Remember that when you make a choice, someone is watching you. Let others know how to make good choices.

Let others see how you choose. Let them see you seek advice from someone you trust and weigh all your options. Ask them to think about the consequences of their decision. Teaching someone to choose the right one is just as important as showing them that you are making the right choice.

For example

Most people can teach others how, but very few can easily lead a life that leads them well. This is a good example of how you should live when teaching others to live their lives. If you participate in these activities, you cannot tell others not to smoke or drink alcohol. Don't lie; ignore others and be respected. The way you act and the decisions you make in life can mean more than the words that come out of your mouth. Remember that people are looking at you and seeing how you live your life every day. admit when you make a mistake

Everybody makes mistakes. You don't have to make good decisions or think yes, but you are responsible if you make a mistake. Taking responsibility for errors means doing whatever you can to fix them. You should apologize to the person who hurt you when you made a mistake. By acknowledging your mistakes and working to correct them, you tell others that it's not the end of the world if they're confused. Feel good

People look to others who can think positively. Instead of looking at the negative in a situation, look at the positive in that situation and how you can improve it. Don't worry or complain about the way life is going. Think of others who are worse than you and count the blessings you have received in life. If a person seems to be working hard enough, they can find someone who needs more help than themselves and can be grateful for the good in their life. Bad situations happen, but you have to see what you can change and use whatever is worthwhile to meet the challenge.

be kind and respectful

A good role model always treats others and themselves with respect and kindness. You don't have to make decisions based on what's best for you. Consider the opinions of others when making decisions. You don't have to agree with her lifestyle or like her, but being a good role model does require you to be kind and respectful. Follow the golden rule. Treat others as you wish.

eternal learning

If you think you know everything, you impact those around you. Make learning a job forever. If you have time, go to college and get a degree in your chosen field. But learning goes beyond education. Find an area of ​​your life that needs development and learn more about that area. If your eating habits are bad, learn to eat well. If you want to fix your car, learn to become a mechanic. Learn about hobbies or crafts that can help you cope with daily stress. A spirit of hard work is a healthy spirit, and eternal learning can inspire others to follow the same path. environmental protection

To be a good role model, you have to take care of your environment. There are many ways to take care of the environment. It is easy to recycle and store your waste in crowded places. Recycling also saves valuable resources such as wood. Keep the ground around your house clean. Transport waste on the road. Please don't throw it away. Walking instead of driving saves fuel and does not emit pollutants. When you're not walking, carpool with others. Another way to take care of the environment is to keep the water clean. Work with local crews to pick up debris and debris from creeks, streams and lakes. Keeping the environment clean and healthy is good for you and the people who respect you.


Volunteer to help people in your community. Many people need help, and you can change the lives of the people you serve: mentor children or young people who need guidance. Accept older people and visit them often to ensure they are being taken care of. Participate in community activities such as fundraising and leukaemia awareness. Read books to children at school or in the library—volunteer at Meal on Wheels or homeless shelters. When you volunteer, others know you care more than you do. They respect you for growing up, and they start to see you as a role model.

Have strong faith

A good role model knows what he believes and lives. Having strong faith doesn't mean you won't change your faith, but it does mean you won't change it every day. When others can believe what you believe and why you believe it, you decide based on that belief. They will know who you are and will respect you. Even if they think differently. to have character.

JC Watts once said that characters do the right thing even when no one is watching. Do the right thing every day in every way. It doesn't matter if others know about your action or decision. Do the right thing. Decide in advance what you will believe and which direction to take. Then you don't have to make any tough decisions.

Being a good role model is sometimes more than doing good and living so that others can follow and achieve good results. Being a good role model requires making good choices. A good model isn't perfect, but you are responsible for recognizing your mistakes and correcting them. Being a good role model isn't easy, but it's worth it. By striving to live the life others can live, you will grow as a person and improve your understanding of who you are. Remember that other people who look at you and how you live can decide how they live their lives. Strive to be a good role model in everything you do.

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